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Cocoa Bean Mulch

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Q: What is the nature of this mulch?

A: Cocoa shell mulch, also called cocoa mulch, cocoa bean mulch, cocoa bean shell mulch, or cocoa bean hull mulch is simply the shell of the cocoa bean. These shells come off the bean during the roasting process and are separated from the beans by strong air action, thus insuring a dry weed-free product.

Q: Why is this mulch better than other types?

A: It lasts longer, smells better, gets darker with age. It retains moisture better than regular mulch and is an excellent insulator for root systems in winter and summer.

Q: Will the cocoa shell mulch bleach out in the sun?

A: No! Cocoa shell mulch actually gets darker with age.

Q: How long does the aroma last?

A: The aroma usually dissipates after 2 to 3 weeks.

Q: How thick can I put it down?

A: Cocoa shell mulch needs to be placed only 1 inch thick.

Q: It feels so light. Is there a problem with the wind blowing it away?

A: No. Provided you spray it down thoroughly with water after spreading. The shells will curl and interlock, creating a honeycomb effect, making for a carpetlike bed of mulch.

Q: Are insects attracted to the mulch?

A: No more than any other mulch. As is true with any organic product, there could be isolated instances where insects might lay eggs.

Q: Does this mulch tend to mold?

A: In some cases when the weather is very hot and humid, a harmless mold may appear. The cocoa shell contains protein which aids in decomposition to produce humu which stimulates beneficial soil bacteria. This is a sign of the protein at work. Rain or watering will wash away this natural mold formation. If desired, your gardening consultant can recommend an organic fungicide to prevent formation of mold spores.

Q: Is this mulch good for all types of plants?

A: Yes! Cocoa shell mulch has been used on all types of plant materials including annuals, perennials, flowering shrubs, narrow-leaf evergreans, broad-leaf evergreens, trees, vines, ground covers, roses, and many vegetables.